Two Year Rule Saves Democracy by THE ETC COMMITTEE
It's a great time for American Democracy. Democracy from the Greek word demos meaning people and kratos power. Power to the people Power as in political power Power as in an oxidant such as ammonium nitrate.
Power grows from the barrel of a gun, but like the corn of the field it grows from the work of God's children and the contents of the farmer's shed.
Our forefathers intended to allow the government no more power than the people could control. To help the people keep the power in their own hands, the arms were put in the hands of the citizen militia. Contrary to what they told you in school, only five states ratified the Constitution without demanding the addition of an amendment protecting the right to bear arms. Since the Constitution required nine states for ratification, the Constitution was not fully ratified until the Bill of Rights was added.
Now they tell us the Second Amendment was only intended to protect the state's right to have a militia. By this same logic the other amendments guarantee the state's right to free speech and free press, the state's right to a fair trial, the state's right to due process of law, the state's right to be compensated for the seizure of its property, and even the state's right to petition itself for redress of grievances.
There is very little chance that the Bill of Rights, or much else of the American Democracy can be saved without decisive action. And the way has been shown.
When a Government agent kills a Citizen, it is the responsibility of the government to bring that agent to justice . Murder cannot be excused as an unfortunate cost of efficient government.
We all know that we have just passed the second anniversary of the Waco Massacre. Some have noted the 25th anniversary of the Kent State Massacre and the 225th anniversary of the Boston Massacre. Kent State and Boston had many similarities: Separated by two centuries less one week, in each a group of soldiers were confronted with a politically hostile mob. Out numbered, confused, pelted with stones, trained in combat but not in crowd control, armed with guns rather than shields and clubs, the soldiers shot randomly into the crowd. Four were killed, several more injured. There was one important difference. In 1770, the soldiers were put on trial. The victims had their day in court, the shooters were called to account, and the jury voted to acquit - - as they should have. But in 1970, there was never a trial. The soldiers likely would have been acquitted, on the same grounds, but the state owed the victims a trial.
Randy Weaver was put on trial, but the murderers of his wife and son go free. After Waco, victims were placed on trial, acquitted, and sentenced as guilty, but not a single murderer has been brought to trial.
What did we fight our revolution for? In 1770 we had
Of late, our government has become much too efficient. How can government employees do their jobs, if they have to worry about going to trial every time they kill someone? We're from the DEATFBIRS, and we're here to help you.
But the salvation of democracy is in our hands. The way has been shown: The Two Year Rule.
Until now, it has been the policy of the government not to hold trials for its own murders, thus concealing the evidence. But hence forth every time a government agent kills a Citizen, he will be brought to trial and a jury will vote on his guilt within two years.
The Two Year Rule: If a government agent kills a Citizen, and a jury does not vote on the agent's guilt within two years, then on the two year anniversary of the crime, a patriot will bomb an office of that government agency.
Very simple. Not that there need only be a trial and a jury vote. No verdict can be required by this rule, for the simple fact that some defendents aren't guilty. In practice, it will hardly ever be necessary to actually invoke the penalty of the Two Year Rule.
Suppose the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department fabricates evidence to get a warrant to bust a guy's property in Ventura County in order to plunder the land under the forfeiture laws, but in the process the Sheriff's Deputies "accidently" kill the property owner. (just suppose.) If the government just lets the murderer's get away with it, then on the second anniversary of the crime, there's an announcement on the news:
No delivery vehicles will be allowed within one mile of any LA Sheriff stations today, because two years ago today a Sheriff's Deputy murdered somebody and got away with it.
Government agents kill a lot of people. That will be a lot of streets closed on a lot of days. Unless the government accepts it's responsibility government will yield to the Democratic force, and choose a trial over a ton of ANFO.
In a few rare cases, the government will try to stonewall, will not try its murderers. This will usually be pretty obvious. Typically hundreds or thousands of citizens ask government to try the murderers. When the District Attorney, and the State Attorney General, and the Governer, and the U.S. Attorney General, and the President, and the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Director of the ATF, and all nine Supreme Court Justices have all been told that the people are pissed about G-men getting away with murder, but none of them act to bring the criminals to justice, the democratic government reverts back to the people.
Who will see to it that this punishment is assessed? You will! Maybe you won't personally deliver the final punch, but you will help. You will help by reproducing and distributing this document. You will help by discussing The Two Year Rule with your friends. You will help by informing the populace when Two Year violations are about to occur. You will help by distributing instructions for mixing ANFO, and for shaping charges. You will help by stealing/buying the delivery vehicle or the supplies. You will help by casting the target.
But ultimately, someone must be a martyr. DON'T FOOL YOURSELF - - THE DRIVER IS GOING TO DIE. There are multuldeinous surveillance cameras around these places. They will have you on tape. They will send swarms of agents lookinmg for you and they will find you. Any credible chance of escape requires endangering multiple accomplices, reducing the available Patriots for future missions. They will try to you alive, but they will convict you and execute you. Even if you find a jury that votes not guilty, your double jeopardy protection is long gone. They will try you seperately for dozens of counts, until they get a conviction and capital sentence.
A driver can greatly increase his damage, if he intends to be at ground zero. A martyr can just drive on the sidewalk right up to the front door; a coward needs a parking space.
Typically, a martyr is someone with little left to lose. Someone with terminal cancer, a man whose wife and son were murdered, a follower of a slain holy man. The martyr's survival instinct must be overcome both logically and emotionally, else he will be unpredictable when the chips are down. Women are rarely appropriate for martydom, simply because a women's survival instinct is rarely defeated by logic. But in that rare case where a woman is an appropriate martyr, she can be as Kipling said more deadly than a male. Almost any guard will hesitate to shoot a woman. Even though he is sure that she's driving a bomb, he will hesitate several crucial seconds. But still, a female who is prepared to be a martyr is rare.
Martyrs are self selected.
Even though the martyr is prepared to do his patriotic duty, he almost always needs support. He rarely knows how to make a bomb, or case a target. The martyr seeks out a bomb cell. The martyr goes to patriot meetings and subtly asks for some info, and is directed to a local bomb cell. A bomb cell has three to five members, including the martyr. One cell member is the brain, one is the bomb technician, and one is the gopher. One person may fill two or three roles. Typically the martyr is the gopher, because he will be remembered when the G-men come investigating.
A bomb cell may be formed without a martyr, but no bomb manufacture shall begin until the bomb cell has a martyr. A bomb cell may subtly advertise itself, but should not put out a call for martyrs. Martyrs are self selected.
Selection of target: Any building which contains an office of the offensive agency is a fair target. The distance from the ATF office to the child care center was far less than the distance between Haiphong harbor and Haiphong Hospital. Killing of children should be minimized, by having information pickets outside any child care within a 1000 foot radius from a government agency that gets away with murder.
Responsibilities of the bombers: All members of the bomb cell are morally accountable for all of the actions of the cell. They should ascertain to the best fo their ability, that a person was in fact killed by a government agent, and that repeated petitions for the government to have a public trial have been ignored. The bombers are subject to the vengence of their fellow Citizens, and of a righteous God.
I don't know what to say about this. It's typed and no name is given. We used it for cut-ups. It's a strange world.
Enuresis, the professional term for bed wetting is a very common occurance with children until the age of puberty. Many children do not outgrow this unpleasant practice for many years beyond the normal period. It can, however, be corrected thru the use of the subconcious mind. Once, certain positive suggestions are implanted in the inner mind of the child, he will follow them, if they are both logical and ethical. He will NOT follow such suggestions if they are contrary to his sense of propriety.
The child is born with a desire for cleanliness, neatness, but above all....... his physical comfort. As bed wetting is a direct contradiction to these normal and natural desires, he is anxious to correct this unpleasant habit, and will respond readily to the positive suggestions contained in this recording. It has been prepared with several things in mind. 1: - to be sufficiently entertaining to the child to cause him to want to listen to the story. 2: - to convince him that most other children do not wet the bed, and in this way, appeal to his instinct and desire to be like other children. 3: - to implant in his mind the posititve suggestions that he can and will get up and attend to his wants when necessary. No mention at any time I made of a child wetting the bed. This is most impotant. The object of the recording is arrived at thru indirection, and thereafter will not offend or appear as preaching to the child.
Scoldings, punishment or threats to correct this fault are worse
than useless. They build up a resentment in the mind of a child as unjust
criticism for something he is not responsible for, which in fact is quite true.
The outstanding success of this recording in changing the habits of children in
a short time is quite satisfying, for it handles the situation in a pleasant and
happy manner. There can be no hard and fast rule for the use of the recording,
but it should be played once or twice while the child is in bed, ready for his
sleep. This recording is specifically designed to be used immediatly prior to
sleep and will be most effective at this time. If the child tends to fall off to
sleep during the playing of the record, continue it's playing, perhaps repeating
it so that the little verse becomes implanted within the inner mind of the
youngster. If the child remains awake and asks to have the record repeated, or
plays it himself over and over again, that is fully agreeable, for with each
playing the mind is becoming more impressed with the desired suggestions, and
the results will appear that much sooner.
In a case where the child does not voluntarily want to listen to the record, the playing of it for about three weeks (while he is asleep) will usually produce the desired results. In the case where the child finds the recording interesting and uses it on his own violation, the results can usually be achieved in a shorter time.
The time span for obtaining complete freedom from the habit cannot be
given in days as each case differs and each child is subject to different
enviromental surroundings. But usually (however not always) the habit can
finally be broken in less than a month. As the child gradually begins to correct
the practice, be lavish in your praise, and compliment him without restraint.
This is most important, for the child is at this point, considers he has
accomplished a great victory (which he actually has) and your sharing his joy
with him at this time is vital to assure his continuing his improvement.
UNDER THE INFLUENCE by David G. Martinez
Anywhere you would go in the Pacoima Projects you would see somebody sniffing glue, smoking marijuana, drinking wine, or maybe just lying around all full of pills to the extent that couldn't even walk. This was my enviroment when I was growing up - so it was not long before I found myself as one of them.
In my taking drugs, I kept going from
one drug to another. At the end, I had become what I had said I would never be .
. . a drug addict, addicted to heroin. Hey, If you're an addict and are reading
this you know what I mean. Next, I began to steal and burglarize houses, take
lawn mowers, ect., just to have a few dollars. I wouldn't even have time to put
them in my pocket before I would give them to my connection. And then, I
wouldn't even have a quarter left to buy cigarettes. having to keep a constant
look over my shoulder became part of me every time I was in the streets to make
sure the "Man" was not coming, or I would get busted. When I did get busted for
burglaries, ect., I would go and do my time. And each time I would sware up and
down that when I'd get out I wouldn't go back anymore. But, before I would even
get out I would already be back under the influence of some drug.
Sometimes I was out on the streets six months, sometimes two months - the last time I went to jail I was only on the streets 12 days. I got out and went right back in for possession. I was tired of this kind of life . . . in and out of jail, running the streets, stealing, lying, running games on people. I was a loser all the way.
In 1965 I got one year in the County Jail for possession of weed. Three times I had had the Joint suspended and I was glad to do the year in the County. It was here that I had an experience which changed my whole life.
I had been brought up in a church, and had always heard about Jesus. Many times when I was under influence of some drug, I would run into people that were talking about Jesus. At times in the neighborhood as we would be walking down Van Nuys Blvd. there on the street corner we would see people singing, clapping their hands, banging away on some old tambourine or guitar, always saying "Jesus is the answer, if you want to change your life come to Jesus." I always laughed at them. Sometimes we would push them out of the way as we walked by making fun of them.
And then in jail as different groups brought church to us, I would almost always sit by the bars in the Old County Jail and listen to them sing . . . sometimes singing along with them. Again I would hear these people say the same thing. "Jesus is the answer."
As I mentioned, I was doing my year in the Old County Jail as a trustee - way up on the 15th floor. There, they always had a group that would come preaching about Jesus. Many times as they got off the elevator I would be close by watching them. They would invite me to their service. After a couple of months had gone by I went in to one of the services. They were singing all kinds of church songs and then they started what they called, preaching the Word of God, again saying, "Jesus is the answer." They would ask us questions like, "Have you ever given Christ a chance in your life?"
After I had been going for some time, I began to think it over. I knew about Jesus, my parents had told me alot about Him. Now these people were telling me the same thing about the same Person. I came to the conclusion that I knew about Him but yet I did not know Christ in the way that these men were talking about Him. One Sunday, one of them asked if I had ever accepted Jesus into my life. I said, "No." Then he asked, "Would you like to kneel and ask Jesus into your life?" I really didn't want to but I did. Nothing happened at first, but it wasn't long before the words that I had repeated when he prayed with me began to come back to me.
Friend, Jesus became real to me in jail. And today, 12 years later, I am still serving Jesus. I don't need drugs any more for in Christ I became a new man. The same way He changed my life, He can change yours. JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE.
If you would sincerely like to change in your life ask Jesus Christ to take over your life and change you
We have a place where you can come and stay as you learn more about the Lord. You will be able to have fellowship with others whose lives have also been changed and who have found a NEW LIFE in Jesus Christ.
Here's a late addition, another religious message in a somewhat different vein. I found it taped to a street sign on Ventura Blvd. (big surprise) in the lovely business district of Encino. I would like to take a moment thank these lovely Christians for their diligence in cramming their dogma down out throats. It provides us with great material and lots o laffs.
Pslam 103:11
This circular was distributed at a Los Angeles MUFON meeting some time
ago. This information is important to the development of man's destiny.
My questions pushed me to use Hypnotic Regression and find three basic responses. Karma & Reincarnation are true, we all are reborn again and each person swore they never said anything I recorded on tape. There was a bonus data that we have an Oversoul or Spiritual being, which stores all our memories, will communicate and guides our lives.
Returning to California in 1954, this information led to Trance Contacts with a Master Sailboat builder who had ascended to the Inner Planes named Birtherin. Psychic Readings, classes, lectures and writing all started as he answered questions at monthly gatherings.
Birtherin explained how to Channel a Spiritual Master named Fahsz in 1956 which continued until a Special Introductory meeting in 1961. At that time after ten years of instructions, twelve selected persons were given the complete Governance Story and why this galaxy had been colonized by Commander Fahsz and 7,200.000 of the most advanced men and women from our Sector of six galaxies.
The "key word" is/was GOVERNANCE. A seventh virgin galaxy had been selected in which every possible government that had been developed in our Sector was given an equal opportunity by 144,000 men and women on 50 PRINCIPLE planets, to develop one superior System.
The Governance Mission is to produce one government, based on Spiritual & Physical Laws - by and for The People. That should sound familiar as it was introduced again in 1774, requiring two years before our Founding Fathers understood the concept - starting The 3 Tests of Destiny.
In 1961 the entire explanation was given, we were told the past ten years had been rebroadcasted by a "device" and we were to go outside, look at it and give our answer to accept or reject The Governance Mission. This involved Seven Project Tests, to complete America's 3rd Test of Destiny.
On October 26, 1961, (the next day) after everyone had seen a Flying Saucer hover over our meeting place and had kicked each other in the shins (standard government test) about half the group accepted and were thrilled to be included another portion quit, and didn't return.
As Commander Fahsz explained various issues along with my Divine Covenant, he agreed to include my physical chats "face to face" dialogue to help me understand the task, projects an whatever - IF - I completed Project-1 and discovered the major problem they had with our world.
On November 17, 1963 I completed Project-1, returned to a new home in Hollywood and Zemkla an adult human man visited me and introduced himself. Since his physical handshake and those of his crew, citizens of Selo (his home planet in the Barnard System) I've shaken many hands and flown in many craft in the past thirty-five years - PHYSICALLY.
This also included many kinds of "human experiences" beyond two major flights to his home planet and other daily life functions during 4 1/2 days physically on planet Selo.
When I met Zemkla in 1963, three out of fifty planets in our galaxy had not completed The Governance Mission. For that reason, the three planets involved got a "wake up call" to complete the task ASAP (as soon as possible). The New Age or February 5, 1962, occurred when several of our planets moved into alignment. The 1962 - 1999 window for those who were "aware" to physically leave was part of a plan set in motion as our most recent civilization was failing. The reference is Antila/Egypt and the persons involved were: Akhnaton, Nefertiti and King Tut, which places that event (on an earthly calendar) as 1350 B.C.
This is not a history lesson, nor is it likely that a crew of ET's will
come here to mow your lawn, pay your car payment, rent or wipe your nose.
Planets Selo and Prismov were contacted the same time our earth
was visited; however Selo in the Barnard System completed about 1968 and Prismov
in the Alpha Centauri System in 1976 - when we were to complete our 200 years
and celebrate America's Third Test of Destiny
Even school children on those planets were aware that it is possible to physically leave a planet; unlike earth persons who used to believe you could not leave a flat world and now believe no one can leave a ball shaped planet.
It is my guess, that if someone were to tell you all about "Alternative 3" or facts scientists have learned and political people have reversed - you could not believe any of it.
If anyone is going to survive what our friends and neighbors are doing or what our government has planned for us, all the bull-shit has got to stop and someone may have to tell you or whoever, "if they want to remain alive," quite a few things they really don't want you to hear. None of it is likely to be entertaining and right now most UFO Buffs, New Agers or Convention Psychics only want ENTERTAINMENT.
After speaking on the subject for about 35 years I find that it is necessary to repeat the statement: "I was selected, trained and physically transported by ET Human Beings, so as to be able to present Messages and develop Projects for Americans who can't remember" - every five minutes.
The same earth born Controlling Group who gives us: wars, diseases, dirty air/water and maintains crime, have always been more of a threat than any ET who must follow Space Laws such as non- interference and Spiritual Laws. Police may kill you quicker with experimental Riots, Wars or with Marshall Law - long before 1999. We are not talking about something new, the "bad guys" have planned what they are now doing for centuries. The "good guys" won't do anything at all until they are shot or their family is killed.
When a guest on Planet Selo, they put me through several decontamination processes and finally in a "red suit" to warn everyone I was carrying all the diseases of earth. Naturally when returned from a planet that does not experience death as a result of their: police dept., medical centers, war or diseases - I quickly absorbed all the bad stuff given us to be certain we are sick, grow weak and die slowly, so the doctors can keep on practicing collecting money.
There is only one question: "is someone going to take the situation seriously and do something constructive or continue laughing as our society is killed off ? ? ?"
The days when it was possible to retire and go away from "the problem" are gone. Our government has equipment which will find you in any mountain, inside the earth or under water. There is no place to hide, each minute you do nothing, "they" become more prepared to control/kill you.
I only know of one way out, at this point in time, but the problem is it requires thinking, understanding and the ugly word application/work. I am sure that everyone one of you think that at some point in time, a Flying Saucer is going to come down here (where their crew will be killed from air, water, police dept., Army, Red Cross or your dog's bad breath), give you an ice cream cone and take all your diseases (in your body) home with them, so they will die!
NO - they have been telling us what to do for centuries and some people have carried out the instructions, while others use it as a Science Fiction plot. This is a self-destruct Time Line, guaranteed to kill everyone about 1999 unless as we all heard on Channel 9 Monday Sept. 7th, 1992 George Bush is re-elected and then "The End" will be much sooner!
The Original Plan was for America to Pass her 3rd TEST of Destiny, which has been written about for over 200 years, talked about and Americans fought two wars to have our Religious Freedom 1776 and Equal Rights 1861. Now we are faced with America's 3rd TEST of Destiny. Are we proving to be responsible for American Heritage by selling it, polluting it, flushing it down the toilet, burning it and doing anything but trying to pass The Galactic or American final test?
Ten years ago we could not talk or lecture openly about Flying Saucers, now that everyone has seen them and knows The United States Government must lie about them, we are finding a whole flock of lies. The point is, are you ready to hear about changing - Time Lines - or do you want to wait until your reborn as a Cave-person in Radioactive City? ? ?
you have the choice of learning something new about your Indolic Immune System, that there are friendly ET Humans among 120+ Space Species watching, willing to help "if asked," so we can advance by ET Hi- Tech Spirituality for Co-Creatorship or believing everything The TV Media God says along with other Loony Tunes.
All we can do at this meeting is point out that ET Humans have physically
contacted a few men and women all over this world to let those who are
interested know how to avoid the many coming problems by changing Time Lines.
Its up to you to sit there and laugh at the idea of Flying Saucers,
Earth-quakes, wars, crimes & new diseases, rather than consider ET
Evacuation. If serious contact us. . .